January 26, 2012

No steps backward!

With Bertrand's medical care, I often feel that for every step forward, there is at least one (or more) steps backward. This week was a good week because there were no steps backward!

Bertrand saw the chief orthopedic doctor at Shriners hospital yesterday. We got good news:
  • Bertrand's tone is a bit low but good.
  • Bertrand's subluxated hip has no tightness and full range of motion, so he doesn't anticipate any kind of intervention (surgical or injection) being necessary!
  • Bertrand's spine can still straighten when laying down. There is only a 30 degree curve when sitting slumped--which anyone could have if they slumped.
  • Bertrand should only wear his back brace if he'd otherwise be sitting slumped for a prolonged time. Strengthening his back and abdomen muscles is the best prevention.
Bertrand saw the young, insightful doctor again, this morning. She'd been thinking about him:
  • Bertrand failed the corneal sensitivity test. THREE times.
  • Bertrand continues to require a LOT of lubrication.
  • Bertrand should get a pair of moisture chamber goggles for daytime use.
  • Bertrand should try tranquileyes for nighttime use. (Testing this tonight!)
After another round of phone calls, I FINALLY got someone to schedule Bertrand's EEG. The soonest available was February 24 - 26, which avoids missing school, so I took it.

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