More Bertrand-schoolbus awesomeness--just because.
Bertrand had a big week! At his pediatric and naturopathic follow-ups, both doctors commented on how great he looked. In particular, his pediatrician was impressed with Bertrand's muscle tone. Yes, I was beaming. :)
To help maintain (dare I say improve?) that great tone, we hired two new members to Team Bertrand: Miss A and Miss V! Both A & V are graduate students up at the University of Utah, pursuing doctoral degrees in physical therapy and occupational therapy, respectively.
Miss V started yesterday morning and Bertrand had a blast! You could hear him giggle & sweet talk her (he's such a flirt) all through the house. She did a marvelous job getting to know our B, working him through his Now I Can exercises, as well as incorporating OT and school lessons.
What a big step toward better balance for all of us!
Oh hooray hooray hooray!!! Tomorrow I am interviewing three babysitters so I know how you feel. A golden future for mommy's sanity is in sight!