September 21, 2012

An Awesome Day

Bertrand with his new friends Brian (left) and Seth (right) at the Utah Museum of Natural History.
Today was an awesome day!  This morning started off with a family trip to the Utah Museum of Natural History with our friend, Seth.  We were met there by Seth's friend, Brian, who happens to be a paleontologist!  Brian gave us a personal tour of the museum!  I was over the moon.  My inner dino-fangirl was squealing.  :)

When we got home, the kids went down for naps, while we had a chat with Bertrand's (and my) beloved Ms. Connie.

After that, Bertrand's therapist Miss A arrived to work with him.  She also brought by a 1st year PT student for me to interview as her replacement for next year.

Then Nana and Papa came over!  They just got into town a few days ago.   They showered both kids with souvenirs and played with them while we chatted and caught up.

In the meanwhile, our friends Kimmie and Angus swung by to harvest some of our grapes.  They also  brought us lavender and homemade apricot preserves!

(We feel really lucky and spoiled today!)

To top off the evening, Bertrand had his very first U-FIT session.  His volunteer, Mark, is a second year medical student at the University.  Both guys did fantastic!  It took Bertrand a while to get warmed up, but once he was engaged, he really enjoyed himself!

We're fortunate to have so many good, generous, and downright fabulous people in our lives!

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