November 14, 2012

First Cousin Encounter

Everyone keeps asking about how the kids liked their new cousin, Gabrielle.  Some day when Victoria and Gabrielle are best friends, we're all going to laugh about it.  Let's just say, Victoria was not happy about being displaced as center of attention.  Bertrand on the other hand was genuinely curious about the baby.  He seemed to really like her.  We'll see how long that lasts though, because I imagine it won't be long until TWO little girls are trying to sit in his lap.  :)

"Hm. I like this one.  She's quiet, and she doesn't sit on me."
"I approve!"
"Wah! *I* am the baby!  Wah wah wah! Wait, is that a camera? Okay, I'll smile."
"What's the fuss about?  Me?! Oh, yeah, I'm darn cute."
V - "I LOVE my big brother! He's the best!"
B - "Mooooom!  She's sitting on me again!!!  Ugh."


  1. Are you sure it's not: ""Wah! It's not fair that she has more hair than me ALREADY!"? ;)

  2. Let me count the # of reasons I LOVE this post. 1. their adorable cousin shirts. 2. your picture comments had me rolling. 3. Gabrielle's fuzzy hair (seriously..she looks like a doll). 4. How much Victoria loves her big brother. 5. B's super awesome leather chair

    1. Oh, you haven't even seen the new matching LITTLE COUSIN GABRIELLE t-shirt! Buwahahaha! I have outdone myself! :) Now let's see if we can get the 3 kids clean, happy, and looking in the same direction for a photo someday.

      And, yes, Victoria's love for Bertrand always chokes me up. They have a very special bond. :)

  3. Love the photos and the comments on each! You are so funny! Love you all!

    1. Hopefully the comments made up for the less than cooperative subjects. ;) Love you too!

  4. Lovely pictures! Also, I love your last post; it's fantastic that Bertrand has gotten so far (he also looks very mellow and pleased with himself in his pictures :)). I'm sure Veronica could sympathize with Victoria right about now; she didn't care to a tinier person diverting attention from her either, but the good news is that she got past it soon enough and is now attempting to teach the baby to talk. I can see Victoria heading in that direction pretty soon!
