...and (soon) Baby Brother Winston
Ultrasound image, February 2014 |
With the due date of June 18, it's hard to believe that in less than a month he'll be here.
In some sense, Winston's gestation was much longer than the typical 9 months--his "conception" began almost 24 months ago in June 2012.
He is a baby that science made possible.
The process involved acronyms like IVF, PGD, CVS and many laboratories: Duke University, University of Utah, Natera, Counsyl, and GeneDx.
(And, needles. Lots of needles.)
It was a difficult process, physically and emotionally. There was a lot of anxiety, failure, and loss.
It was worth it.
We know that he isn't affected by N-glycanase deficiency--in fact, he's not even a carrier.
He is also not a carrier for 107 other rare genetic conditions.
And, he is a 100% chromosome normal XY male.
We got lucky.
This morning, Bertrand and Victoria attended their "Sibling Preparation Class" at the hospital where mommy will deliver. The class involved anatomy posters, sibling books, baby dolls, coloring sheets, a brief video, and a hospital tour. Bertrand, being the old hand that he is, was a bit bored. Victoria was riveted and kept interrupting to lecture the teacher (a L&D nurse) on babies... and Jake and the Neverland Pirates. So, it went well. :) We are all ready and excited to meet baby Winston.
With Daddy in the hospital lobby. |
Looking for the Nursery. |
Bertrand's expression says, "I know this already!" |
The attentive pupil. |
These two take baby visitation very seriously. |